Updated list of IVDD Screening Centres
The IVDD Screening Programme is now being run by the kennel Club. A full list of participating veterinary practices is available on the Kennel Club website. There are over 30 across the country, including England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each centre applies its own prices, so it's worth checking out the different options near to you. The average eprice is £350 but there is a wide range, from £240 to nearly £650.
During 2025, subsidies of £100 are available from both the Kennel Club and Dachshund Health UK.
We analysed the UK results in 2024 and it is clear that dogs with low numbers of calcifications are less likely to suffer an IVDD incident. Our results are consistent with the Nordic data published in numerous studies. The X-ray screening results also help to explain that the test is an assessment of risk. Some dogs with good scores (low calcifications) may still end up with a herniated disc but, on the balance of probability, they are less likely to do so than dogs with high numbers of calcifications.
If you prefer to use your own vet to take the X-rays and have these scored privately, you will not be eligible for the subsidies and the scores will not be recorded against your dog's KC health test records.