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Please support the RVC's Pandemic Puppies survey

The RVC is running a Pandemic Puppies survey to investigate the Pandemic Puppy phenomenon in the UK this year. The online survey will close on Dec 31, 2020. They already have had over 5000 responses to the survey which is tremendous but can dig deeper into individual breeds with even more respondents.

The study is funded by the Animal Welfare Foundation of BVA and is led by Rowena Packer Dan O'Neill, Zoe Belshaw and Claire Brand. The study involves an online questionnaire for owners of puppies of any breed or crossbreed bought at any date during 2019 or 2020. They wish to compare the 'hows and whys' of pandemic puppy purchase versus 'normal' dog purchasing in the UK.

Fuller information on the survey is available at:

The link to the Pandemic Puppies survey is shown below.


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