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DachsLife 2021: an investigation of skin and coat conditions in Dachshunds

DachsLife 2021: an investigation of skin and coat conditions in Dachshunds

Please participate in our survey which is open to all UK and non-UK Dachshunds.

The DachsLife 2018 survey results showed that that skin allergies/conditions were the second most prevalent condition that affected Dachshunds. The Dachshund Breed Council and The Kennel Club have created this survey together to gain a better understanding of the different skin and coat conditions that affect the breed.

It’s important to understand which dogs are not affected, so please complete it, even if they haven’t had skin conditions. The results will help pinpoint where further research is needed.

This survey is for dogs that may currently be living or who have, sadly, passed away. Please complete one survey per Dachshund that you own/have previously owned.

We recommend completing this survey on a desktop computer or laptop. All personal information given will be kept confidential and be presented anonymously.



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