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2024 Dachshund Breed Health and Conservation Plans now available

The Kennel Club has published the most up-to-date versions of the Dachshund Breed Health and Conservation Plans. They are available to view/download as PDF files here. Previous versions of our BHCPs are also available on that page.

The Kennel Club launched a new resource for breed clubs and individual breeders – the Breed Health and Conservation Plans (BHCP) project – in September 2016. The purpose of the project is to ensure that all health concerns for a breed are identified through evidence-based criteria, and that breeders are provided with useful information and resources to support them in making balanced breeding decisions that make health a priority.

The Breed Health and Conservation Plans take a complete view of breed health with consideration to the following issues: known inherited conditions, complex conditions (i.e. those involving many genes and environmental effects such as nutrition or exercise levels, for example hip dysplasia), conformational concerns and population genetics.

Sources of evidence and data have been collated into an evidence base which gives clear indications of the most significant health conditions in each breed, in terms of prevalence and impact. Once the evidence base document has been produced it is discussed with the relevant Breed Health Co-ordinator and breed health committee or representatives if applicable. Priorities are agreed based on this data and incorporated into a list of actions between the Kennel Club and the breed to tackle these health concerns. These actions and then monitored and reviewed on a regular basis. 


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