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RVC Diet and Epilepsy study - can you help?

Epilepsy is the most common chronic neurological brain disease seen in first opinion practice for domestic dogs.

The research team at the Royal Veterinary College is interested in the recruitment of dogs diagnosed with epilepsy. They invite owners of dogs with epilepsy aged over 6 months, of all breeds and cross-breeds to complete this survey to see if you might be eligible to participate in a new study of diet and epilepsy.

Why get involved?

Medical advances in prevention, detection and management of diseases in veterinary and human medicine depend on clinical trials. Clinical trials are essential to determine if a new test or management works and is safe. This study is looking at the effects of a diet on their seizure activity and behavioural comorbidities of canine epilepsy.

What the researchers would like from you as part of the trial:

  1. A complete clinical history of your dog’s epilepsy.

  2. Willingness to change your dogs diet for 1 year and keep a seizure diary.

  3. You are able to make five appointments at the Queen Mother Hospital at the RVC in Hertfordshire at day 1, then 3, 6, 9 and 12 months later.

What do you get out of it?

  1. A free veterinary check up with clinical and neurological examination at each appointment

  2. Free clinical tests at each appointment including haematology, biochemistry, and serum drug levels

  3. Free brain scan (MRI) if you adhere to the protocol

  4. Free diet for you dog for the duration of the study

How do you get involved?

Please complete this survey to see if you might be eligible. If you are selected for enrollment in the study, the researchers will contact you after completion of this survey using the contact details provided.

They are looking for dogs with recurrent seizures, but which have not had any history of cluster (more than 1 seizure in 24 hours) or status epilepticus (prolonged seizure activity). If in doubt, please do fill in the questionnaire, which is estimated to take 10-20 minutes.

If you have any queries regarding the questions asked or details of the trial, please contact the Clinical Investigation Centre at the RVC (

Miniature Longhaired Dachhsunds have been identified as being at more risk of Epilepsy than the other varieties of Dachshund. If you have a ML with epilepsy, please consider supporting this study.

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