Dachshund Health UK
Welcome to the website of Dachshund Health UK
(Registered Charity No. 1177400)

Teacup Dachshunds - do they exist?
...and there are Dachshunds...

…but there is no such thing as a Teacup Dachshund, other than in the imagination of sellers cashing in on the current popularity of the breed and trying to persuade buyers that they have something special or rare on offer.
If you see the description in an internet advert … walk away!

Why Walk Away?
A ‘runt’ is the smallest and weakest pup in the litter. This may be because of an underlying congenital problem, or simply because they were just born small. Either way, they will struggle to compete with their stronger brothers and sisters for food and warmth from their mum and may be more prone to disease and infection.
An advert for a “teacup” or “toy” dachshund may be a way of selling that runt puppy or worse still, may have been bred deliberately by breeding two runts together to produce more tiny pups. They may even have deliberately under-fed the mum or taken pups off mum’s milk too early to keep pups small. Buyer beware!
Kaninchen or Rabbit Dachshunds
In the UK and USA, there are only two official Breed Standard Dachshund sizes: Miniature and Standard. In continental Europe, the FCI Breed Standard adds a third size, Kaninchen, or ‘Rabbit’, which is smaller than the typical miniature. Kaninchens have a chest circumference up to 30 cm measured when at least 15 months and males weigh up to 3.5kg, and the female 3kg.
The Kaninchen size has been developed over many, many years of careful breeding – not by putting runts together, but by careful selection of smaller, healthy, adult dogs.
How can I recognise a true Kaninchen?
Firstly, it is highly unlikely to be described as a teacup or toy dachshund in an advert. That’s a dead giveaway! Secondly, the breeder should be happy to show you a 6-generation pedigree from a reputable breed registry. In the UK that means either the Kennel Club, American Kennel Club or the FCI. In the case of the first two, as neither recognise the Kaninchen size, the dog will be described as a miniature, but one or more generations back you should see evidence of a dog being imported, most likely from a European country.
If the breeder is not willing to share the pedigree, then walk away (again!).
More about Dachshunds Weights:
Find out about weight and body condition.
Photo credits:
Anthropolie Dachshund Conversation Mug from John Lewis
Black and Tan miniature smooth dachshund pup: Danny Oldham
Mini wire pup: Lesley Easton
Cream mini long: Dawn Norton
Small and large pup: Jacqui Slater