Dachshund Health UK
Welcome to the website of Dachshund Health UK
(Registered Charity No. 1177400)

Should I use my Dachshund dog at stud?
You will probably find that breeders or breeding kennels are not usually interested in using privately-owned dogs for stud purposes, unless the dog has some special qualifications or show merit, or has the pedigree that they require for their breeding programme.
Is your dog fit, healthy and a typical specimen of the breed?
Have you carried out all the recommended health screening tests (cord1 PRA for all Miniatures and Lafora for MWHDs) and is your dog “clear”?
Does your dog have any breeding restrictions placed by its breeder on your Registration document?
Are you prepared to help the owner of the bitch find suitable homes for the puppies, if necessary?
Read our advice on genetics and diversity, Breed Club Code of Ethics and Guidance on the Code of Ethics
Predict the Coefficient of Inbreeding of puppies from a proposed mating using the Kennel Club's Mate Select service.
With Dachshunds, it’s very rarely just a case of putting a dog and a bitch together and “letting them get on with it”. Until a dog is experienced at stud, you may well find you have to intervene and “stage-manage” his first few matings. Even experienced stud dogs will need to be managed.
Relevant clauses from the breed clubs' Code of Ethics: Breeders...
Will discourage indiscriminate breeding, bearing in mind always the welfare of the bitch as a primary consideration and the long-term welfare of any puppies bred by me.
Will take all reasonable steps to ensure that breeding stock is of good physical and genetic health, of acceptable temperament and fit for function (e.g. be able to see, breathe normally, be physically fit, and able to exercise freely).
Will use all Health Scheme tests currently required or recommended for the KC Assured Breeder Scheme on all breeding stock.
Will make responsible decisions in the light of Health Scheme test results to avoid producing clinically affected puppies and will follow any breeding advice issued under each scheme prior to breeding.
Will not knowingly mate 2 dapples together.
Will not allow any of my dogs to be used irresponsibly at stud…
(a) any bitch must have had KC required or recommended health tests (or be hereditary clear) and therefore any puppies produced will NOT be affected.
Will not breed irresponsibly…
(a) from any bitch less than one year of age at the time of mating andonly when she is considered mature enough to raise a litter of puppies.
(b) from any bitch who has already reached the age of 8 years at the date of whelping, save in exceptional circumstances and only provided application is made to the KC prior to the mating (supported by veterinary evidence as to the suitability of the bitch involved in the proposed whelping) and the proposed dam has previously whelped at least one other registered litter, and permission has been received.
(c) from any bitch who has whelped 4 litters.
(d) more than one litter in a twelve-month period per bitch (except with veterinary advice).
Will not breed from a bitch who has had 2 caesarean sections (as this may indicate possible whelping difficulties).
Will not import, export or exhibit any bitch who is more than 28 days in whelp.
Read the Kennel Club’s advice on “Thinking of using your dog at stud?“
N.B. The KC will not register puppies when:
The dam has already whelped six litters, or
The dam has already reached the age of 8 years at the date of whelping, or
The dam was under one year old at the time of mating.
The offspring are the result of any mating between father and daughter, mother and son or brother and sister, save in exceptional circumstances or for scientifically proven welfare reasons.
[Regulation B 3.28 (22c)]