New hope for Dachshunds with IVDD: Enzyme injections that help Dachshunds walk again
Instead of expensive surgery for IVDD, enzyme injections seem like a promising alternative.

Take part in a research study looking at spinal health in Dachshunds and French Bulldogs
A new survey to explore spinal health in Dachshunds and French Bulldogs.

The relationship between radiographic disc calcification score and FGF4L2 genotype in dachshunds
Key findings from the analysis of a sample of Norwegian and Finnish Dachshunds.

Survey: investigating on-lead behaviour and IVDD
Survey into the relationship between on-lead behaviour and IVDD (Intervertebral Disc Disease).

The Impact of Funding Gaps on our IVDD Research
We need your support to continue our IVDD research at the Canine Genetics Centre.

CDPA/CDDY DNA Testing for IVDD in Dachshunds - update
In the UK, we are in the early stages of a research project to look for genetic mutations that may be associated with IVDD.

Results of the Cambridge IVDD Conservative Treatment Recovery Trial
The much-awaited paper from the conservative trial of IVDD has been released. Here's a lay-person's summary.

Have you had your Dachshund IVDD screened? If so, you can now help with an investigation into the genetics of IVDD
If you have had your Dachshund IVDD screened you can now help with an investigation into the genetics of IVDD.

Kennel Club survey of spinal problems in dogs
Please complete the survey for all dogs owned, either now or in the past, even if they have never been affected by spinal problems.

Help advance canine health research: Participate in the Kennel Club's Heart Disease Survey
Mitral Valve Disease has been reported in Dachshunds so please support this research by completing a survey for your dog.