Dachshund Health UK
Welcome to the website of Dachshund Health UK
(Registered Charity No. 1177400)

Can you afford to own a Dachshund?

Before deciding to buy a Dachshund, add up the likely annual and lifetime costs. Research by Household Pets in 2023 showed that a small pedigree dog could cost between £1500 and £3700 per year to own (excluding purchase costs). Previous research by the PDSA found that virtually all pet owners underestimated the lifetime costs of owning a dog. Depending on the size and breed, PDSA estimated that owning a dog could cost as much as £2000 per year.
Dachshund puppies can cost from around £700 to several thousand pounds. If the price is very low, ask yourself why. Be very wary of high prices, particularly if the puppies are described as being of a “rare colour”.
Please read our “Buyer Beware” advice. If you are looking for a puppy, please ask for advice from one of our Breed Club Secretaries and do not buy from an internet advert.
Costs you can expect in Year 1:
Your puppy will need vaccinations against diseases including canine distemper, parvovirus, hepatitis and leptospirosis. Costs vary around the UK but expect to pay between £40 and £70.
You will need to buy all sorts of items for your new puppy, such as:
Bedding, such as a bean bag or vet-bed/fleece
Feeding and water bowls
Collar and lead (and a name tag with your contact details)
An indoor crate (very useful for travel in the car, as well)
Grooming equipment (nail clippers, brush, comb, toothbrush, doggy toothpaste)
Poo bags
Third Party Insurance (in case your dog causes damage to a person or property)
All these could cost you around £400.
Food will be your main regular expense, perhaps £40-50 per month depending on what brand you buy (plus, of course, treats for training and rewards). Read our Diet Advice.
Your puppy will have been microchipped by its breeder so that won’t be an expense for you to incur (this is now a legal requirement in the UK). A good breeder will also provide you with 4 weeks of insurance cover and we strongly recommend Dachshund owners consider taking out healthcare insurance for their pet, as well. The annual premium could be at least £360 according to Consumer Intelligence data. Average vet bills for someone without insurance was around £800 according to a survey by “This is money”. If your Dachshund needs surgery for back disease, the cost could easily be anywhere between £6000 and £10000.
Additional costs of owning a Dachshund:
Depending on your family circumstances (e.g. work patterns and holiday preferences) you may also need to budget for doggy day-care, dog-walking and boarding kennels. Many Dachshund owners also end up buying puppy pens and baby gates to help with initial training and management of their puppy, at home.
While insurance will cover major illnesses, there is always an Excess to pay, so you won’t get all your vet fees re-paid. This insurance cover won’t include the cost of worming and flea treatments, either.
If you want your Dachshund to grow up well-behaved, you should also budget for the cost of training classes and participating in programmes such as the Kennel Club’s Good Citizen Dog Scheme.
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